July 8, 2024

Haimei Wu
Chief Executive Officer
Baird Medical Investment Holdings Limited
Room 202, 2/F, Baide Building, Building 11, No.15
Rongtong Street, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou, People's Republic of China

       Re: Baird Medical Investment Holdings Limited
           Amendment No. 4 to Registration Statement on Form F-4
           Filed June 20, 2024
           File No. 333-274114
Dear Haimei Wu:

     We have reviewed your amended registration statement and have the

       Please respond to this letter by amending your registration statement
and providing the
requested information. If you do not believe a comment applies to your facts
and circumstances
or do not believe an amendment is appropriate, please tell us why in your

       After reviewing any amendment to your registration statement and the
information you
provide in response to this letter, we may have additional comments. Unless we
note otherwise,
any references to prior comments are to comments in our April 2, 2024 letter.

Amendment No. 4 to Form F-4 Filed June 20, 2024
Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial Information, page 71

1.     We note your response to comment 2. Adjustment (b)(b) states that it is
for the reversal of
       non-recurring fees. Please specify what non-recurring fees are being
reversed in this
       adjustment. We remind you of the updated guidance in Article 11-02(a)(6)
of Regulation
       S-X and Section II.D of SEC Release 33-10786 which includes guidance
regarding the
       inclusion of transaction accounting adjustments for nonrecurring items.
Please advise or
       revise as necessary.
2.     Prior to Closing, Baird Medical will transfer 1,947,058 PubCo Ordinary
Shares to Newco
       and the Minority Holders will exchange their ownership interests in
Baird Medical for all
       of the outstanding ownership interests in Newco; and after the special
meeting, Merger
       Sub 2 will merge with and into Newco, with Newco continuing as the
surviving entity and
       wholly-owned subsidiary of PubCo. This transaction is referred to as the
Second Merger
 July 8, 2024
Page 2

       in your filing. Please expand your disclosures to address the business
purpose of the
       Second Merger and tell us what consideration was given to separately
       the Second Merger in the pro forma information provided, including
       noncontrolling interests need to be presented pursuant to ASC 810.
Comparative Share Information, page 82

3.     We note your response to comment 6. Certain pro forma per share amounts
presented in
       your comparative share information table do not appear to be the same as
the amounts as
       presented in your pro forma financial information beginning on page 71.
Specifically the
       pro forma net income (loss) per share   basic and diluted amounts appear
to be
       different. Please revise as necessary.
Background of the Business Combination, page 188

4.     We note your revised disclosure in response to prior comment 9. With
respect to the
       refined projections discussed in the third bullet point, please expand
your disclosure to
       explain the impact of the revised projections on R&D and depreciation.
5.     We note your revised disclosure relating to the multi-year trend
analysis of hospital usage
       in response to prior comment 10, which we reissue in part. You disclose
that Baird
       Medical management estimated the revised 2024 needles sales to be
increased to 60,142,
       assuming a 13.7% year-over-year estimated hospital usage growth and
increased year-end
       inventory from 1.6 months to 1.9 months at hospitals and distributors at
the end of 2024.
       Please expand your disclosure to provide a reasonable basis for Baird
       management   s estimates for a 13.7% year-over-year hospital usage
growth and increased
       year-end inventory in light of the preliminary 2023 results.
Opinion of Financial Advisor to the ExcelFin Board, page 213

6.     We note your response to prior comment 13 and your revised disclosure
removing the
       references to "projected US revenue for Baird Medical for the calendar
years ended 2024
       through 2030" and "US Market Development Update for Baird Medical, dated
       2024." Please advise whether the financial advisor will be providing an
updated and
       revised fairness opinion.
Excelfin's Management's Discussion and Analysis, page 258

7.     Please continue to provide the results of operations discussion for the
two years ended
       December 31, 2023 in your filing. Refer to Item 5 of the Form 20-F.
Customers, page 287

8.     We note your revised disclosure on page 287 that one distributor
accounted for 10.4% of
       Baird Medical   s total revenue for the year ended December 31, 2023.
Please identify this
       top customer and provide a brief description of the material terms of
your agreement with
       such customer, such as the termination provision and whether there are
any minimum
       purchase requirements. If material, please also file the agreements as
exhibits to the
       registration statement as required by Item 21 to Form F-4 and Item
601(b)(10) of
       Regulation S-K, or explain to us why you believe you are not required to
do so.
 July 8, 2024
Page 3

Research and Development - Clinical Trials, page 297

9.     We note your revised disclosure in response to prior comment 14, which
we reissue in
       part. We refer to your disclosure on page 303 that you plan to have the
clinical testing
       plan program for your breast lump clinical trials and finalize the
applicable research
       proposal for your pulmonary nodule clinical trials by the end of June
2024. Please revise
       to update your disclosure in regard to these recent developments
Revenues, page 342

10.    Please disclose why revenues from Direct customers decreased whereas
revenue from
       Distributors increased (page F-34). Disclose also whether you are aware
of a material
       amount of unsold inventory held by your Distributors. In this regard, we
note the
       Distributor inventory reports referenced on page 102. Tell us the dollar
amount of
       inventory held by Distributors at December 31, 2023.
Selling and marketing expenses, page 344

11.    We note your disclosure that selling and marketing expenses decreased by
$1 million in
       the fiscal year 2023 and accordingly, your selling expenses as a
percentage of sales were
       8.1% compared to 10.2% in 2022. You also disclose on page 344 that you
expect these
       expenses to remain relatively steady as a percentage of your net
revenues to support
       business growth. However, we note your revised disclosure on page 195
that in June
       2023, ExcelFin and Baird Medical refined its 2023 and 2024 projections
of its overall
       sales and marketing expenses to increase from 9% to 10% of sales revenue
with overall
       sales expenses as a percentage of revenue expected to rise slightly. We
also refer to your
       disclosure on page 306 that the number of members in your in-house sales
and marketing
       department decreased from 79 members to 32 members as of December 31,
2023. Please
       expand your disclosure to explain the differing expectations relating to
your sales
       expenses as a percentage of revenue in light of your reported selling
expenses and
       decrease in the size of your in-house sales and marketing department for
the fiscal year
Note 4. Accounts Receivable, Net, page F-23

12.    We note that you mortgaged $4.4 million of your receivables for bank
loans. Please
       provide all of the disclosures required by ASC 860-30-50, including
       information about the relationship between the assets and associated
liabilities, including
       a description of the nature of restrictions placed on the assets.
13.    Please explain the reasonable basis supporting your disclosures that
"The Company
       generally grants trade debtors a credit period of 30 to 90 days." In
this regard, we note that
       your December 31, 2023 net receivables balance approximates 100% of your
       revenues for the year. Consequently it is not clear whether any of your
2023 revenues
       were actually collected during the year. Please disclose whether you
have historically
       charged and collected any substantial late payment fees from your
customers. If your
       actual practice in the periods presented has been to grant trade
creditors up to 365 days or
       more to pay then that fact should also be clearly disclosed as well as
the reasons therefor.
       For example, if Distributors generally do not pay you for product
purchases until after
       they have sold those products to their customers then that factor should
be addressed in
 July 8, 2024
Page 4

       your explanation of your accounts receivable variances.
14.    We note that your receivables increased by approximately 28% whereas
your revenue
       decreased by 10%. In order for us to better understand the reasons for
this disparity,
       please provide us with separate December 31, 2023 aging tables that show
(1) the aging of
       receivables due from Distributors and (2) the aging of receivables due
from Direct
       Customers (Note 19). Further, clarify for us the statement in your
response to prior
       comment 15 that "the payments from these two publicly listed companies
are still
       respectively in the process of being approved internally". If they
purchased the products in
       2022 it is unclear why the payments have not been approved internally.

15.    We note that ExcelFin Acquisition Corp. is seeking to extend the
termination date to
       complete an initial business combination to December 25, 2024, which is
a date that is 38
       months from ExcelFin Acquisition Corp.'s initial public offering. Since
Section IM-5101-
       2 of the Nasdaq listing rules requires that a special purpose
acquisition company complete
       a business combination within 36 months of the effectiveness of the
initial public offering
       registration statement, please disclose that the proposal to extend the
termination date
       beyond 36 months does not comply with this rule and describe the risks
of the non-
       compliance, including that securities may be subject to suspension and
delisting from
16.    We note revised disclosures indicating ExcelFin Acquisition Corp.'s
removal of the
       requirement to maintain $5,000,001 in net tangible assets. Please revise
your risk factor
       disclosure to discuss the risk that ExcelFin Acquisition Corp. shares
may not be approved
       for initial listing on the Nasdaq, in light of your dependence upon this
status to avoid a
       "penny stock" determination, and discuss the consequences of such
       Please contact Nudrat Salik at 202-551-3692 or Al Pavot at 202-551-3738
if you have
questions regarding comments on the financial statements and related matters.
Please contact
Jane Park at 202-551-7439 or Lauren Nguyen at 202-551-3642 with any other


                                                            Division of
Corporation Finance
                                                            Office of
Industrial Applications and
cc:   Stephen Leitzell, Esq.